26 August 2017

Women's Equality Day

The 26th day of August is a day set aside for the celebration of Women's Equality Day in the United States. It is a day that women everywhere in the United States of America was granted the Right to Vote and Be Voted for. The right for the American woman to vote and be voted for was gotten when the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution was adapted into Law and this happened on the 26th August 1920 and the then United States President declared this day to be celebrated as the Women's Equality Day.

In Nigeria, women did not attain the right to vote and be voted for until the 1958. However, women from the Southern region got enfranchised in different stages beginning from 1950 while the Northern region women didn't. The Nigerian women got the right to vote and be voted into public offices some time in 1959 but the Northern women were not allowed until the year 1976.
Now, I believe you have a little insight as to what Women's Equality Day is all about. So, I would say that the best way to celebrate this day is to acknowledge and honour the achievements of women by promoting Gender Equality

In our society today, Gender Inequality is eminent in subtle ways and we haven't quite achieved cultural antiquities such as inadequate health care, sexual and domestic violence. These issues are slowly disappearing but we need to help make it disappear faster. On a day like this, you can take it upon yourself to make donations to organisations that provide charitable assistance to women such as providing food, healthcare, counseling for survivors of domestic & sexual violence and child abused etc., you can also spend time with the women in your life e.g your grandmother, mother, sister, wife, daughter or any woman making impact in the society. Celebrate her and listen to her experiences and challenges.

In celebration of Women's Equality Day, here is a little something (click here to watch)for you. Let me know if you want more videos like this (winks) 


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