11 August 2017

Breast Cancer Awareness

On thursday 10th of August 2017, our mothers took to the streets of Ikeja, Lagos, to create an awareness for Breast Cancer.
Breast Cancer is a collection of cancer cells arising from the cells of the breast. The Breast Cancer is predominantly found in the female breast.
However, it can also affect men. There are different types of breast cancer, and their ability to spread to other body tissues depend on their stages.

Causes of Cancer
There are some identified risk factors. some of these factors are avoidable while others are not.

  1. Genetics: According to research, only 5-10% are hereditary or as a result of genetic.
  2. Age: Breast Cancer approximately (but not limited) to post menopause women (50 years and above).
  3. Reproduction: The more children a woman has is said to reduce her risk of breast cancer as breastfeeding lowers the risk
  4. Contraceptives: The use of certain contraceptive pills or hormonal replacement therapy is said to slightly cause an increase in the risk but as soon as it is stopped the risk drops.
  5. Alcohol consumption: Regular consumption of alcohol in large quantity increases your chances of having breast cancer.
  6. Previous Diagnosis: If you have been previously diagnosed of breast cancer, you are at a risk of developing a new one in the other breast.
All the factors mentioned above are only risk factors but it doesn't mean that if you tick the boxes that you will have breast cancer. A lot of people that have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer do not even have any of these factors.

The following are symptoms of Breast Cancer:

  1. Inverted nipple
  2. Lump in the breast or armpit
  3. Dimpling of the breast skin
  4. A change in the shape of the breast or nipple
  5. Nipple discharge or redness etc

Please register now for a free Mamogram on www.bcaspa.org
In the fight against Cancer, early detection is key.

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