Nana Nkufo -Addo of Ghana during the last Eid Kabir Ceremony admonished Muslim
faithfuls to make sure that they pay keen attention to the education of their
children most especially the girl child.
the Eid prayers that took place at the independence square in Ghana, the
president in his speech said that to tackle ignorance, poverty and diseases, we
need to get our children educated. He made reference to Prophet Mohamed’s
warning to his followers and I quote ‘knowledge is the lost property of the
believer, let him or her find it wherever he will’.
however acknowledges the fact that there are various barriers in the way of
education and finance is the highest of them. He asked a rhetorical question
saying that by what means do we attain religious responsibility of attaining
knowledge if the means are not available?
continued by emphasising the fact that the Ghanaian government has tried in
various ways to encourage the education of children and an example of such is
the introduction of free senior school program. This program is a policy of the
government to help with the improvement of education standard in Ghana. The
policy will see that the total cost of tuition fee is catered for, feeding is
catered for as well as accommodation for everyone registered into senior
secondary school. It is observed that a staggering 57.8% of the Ghanaian
population is currently below the age of 25 year old which means that more than
half of the population of Ghana fall under the age bracket of those that should
be attending school or just finishing school. Therefore, President Nana-Akufo
Ado encourages Muslim Faithfuls across Ghana to take advantage of the amazing
opportunity to send their children to school.
This is a
good one from Ghana and I am super excited about this! To all my Ghanaian
people make sure the news get round so that all our children will have the
education that they deserve.
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