6 September 2017

back to school

In most countries, it is about the beginning of a new school term for children and for this reason, we have to make sure that all children (not exempting the girl child) has to return to school. As we all know, the key to the empowerment of the girl child is education and the best form of development that you can give anyone is self-development. By giving the girl child an equal form of education as the male child, we are bridging the gap of gender inequality in our society.

The best way to develop and empower a girl child is by educating her and in other for us to successfully achieve this aim, there is a need for us to totally destroy all forms of barriers standing in the way of the girl child to successfully complete her education. The act of the girl child dropping out of school before the completion of their education has been on the increase lately in remote areas in Nigeria and some African countries but we need to understand that for us to bridge the gap of gender inequality, we have to empower our girls and young women by giving them a form of formal education. It is not enough that we build schools and provide teachers in the schools, we also need to understand that it is very important that we get the children to school because that is when they can benefit from the educational structure that is put in place.

When a girl child drops out of school before her graduation, she is limited in various aspect of life as she approaches adulthood. There is a need for a functional education system that practically gives priority to the education of the girl child. The circle of poverty in Nigeria and Africa will continue to increase if the girl child is not given an equal opportunity as the male child to complete her education.

While commending the various efforts that are been made by various non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and various government agencies, there is still work to be done in order for the gender inequality gap to be bridged. We need to identify specific problems such as teenage pregnancy and early marriage which is a major reason for young girls dropping out of school and not being able to complete their education which shouldn’t be. 
It is very important that we understand that when we educate the girl child, we educate a nation

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