20 February 2021

Gender Identity

 A lot of people are ignorant of what Gender identity  truly refers to. In most cases people always think about transgender when Gender identity is mentioned, however there are other 112 gender identities recognized in New York City and other cities. For instance, there is the “gender neutral”, refering to people who are neither male nor female. 

There is also the “aero gender”, refers to people who claim that their gender fluctuates with their surroundings.

There is also the “gender fluid” or “gender flux”, that is, persons alleging that their gender is in permanent flux. For example, in one month they could claim to be males and in another month they could claim to be females. 

There is also the “demi gender” that is, persons who claim that they are partially male and partially female.

There is also the “adamas gender”, that is, persons who cannot be categorized either as male or female. Right now in Alberta, Canada and in some parts of the West employers of labour are barred from asking their employees to disclose their sex or gender or stating specifically whether they should be addressed as “Mr.” or “Mrs.” or “Miss” or “Ms.” or any other thing. Employers of labour who violate this “human right” of their employees stand the risk of being dragged to the law court. 

There is also the “amica gender”, that is, persons who claim that their gender changes depending on which friend they are with at a particular time.

Therefore when we are talking about LGBTQ and Gender Identities, please understand that it is a big deal that should be taken seriously. 

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