5 March 2019

Nigeria: Re-elects President who refers LGBT as "abhorent"

The giant of Africa has once again re-elected President Mohammadu Buhari even after the election was postponed for a week so that the people and the electoral body can have more time to prepare the rigging properly.

I am indeed disappointed in the fact that Nigerians voted back this Man into power. isn't it the same President that during his visit to the USA to meet with President Barack Obama back in 2015, that said to American officials that same-sex relationship is sodomy and against the law in Nigeria and that it is abhorrent to the Nigerian culture.

For this reason and more a lot of queer Nigerians have lived in the country in fear of been stoned to death or sentenced to 14years in prison. to think this same President was voted into power a second time (that is not counting his Military Regime back in the 80s). Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar who is the person that came second during the Feb 23rd Election has come out to say that the election was a sham and a throwback to a military dictatorship.

2 comments so far

  1. Rubbish post. Why naija go accept you idiots? If you show for naija dem go carry you for airport. And to say this fool is married, I sorry for the man who dey ur life. Fucker

  2. Wetin u dey write. LGBT is not anything for naija. If you show for naija name kirikiri straight up
    Nonsenstical fool


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