12 June 2018

Periods…….Meghan Markle


While we are still basking in the beauty of the royal wedding I will like to draw our attention to
something spectacular about the Duchess of Sussex.

We all know that she is very good with words and she talks a lot about feminism and can as well
be referred to as one, however, it is mind blowing to know that she is very passionate about
Periods and Menstrual hygiene.

The Duchess of Success once wrote an article on Times HOW PERIODS AFFECT
POTENTIAL. Imagine a world where the female leaders have never achieved their full
potential because they dropped out of school at the age of thirteen. In the western world, this is
difficult to fathom, but for millions of young women globally, this remains their harsh reality for
a staggering reason. From sub-Sahara Africa, to India, Iran, and several countries. The stigma
surrounding menstruation and lack of access to proper sanitation directly inhibit young women
from pursing and education. she wrote

She also emphasized on how policymakers and culture have made neglected this aspect of life which creates barriers to the education of young girls. Considering how various NGO have tried to have policies addressing this concern, the issue still remains highly neglected. 

It is no news that we are now trying to speak about menstruation more in public as against the hush-hush nature but to have the Duchess of Sussex show this hug interest is just amazing!

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