14 November 2017

Sophia The Robot

Sophia was recently granted a Saudi Arabian Citizenship. For those who do not know who she is, Sophia is a robot that has facial expressions, female features and can handle a good conversation. She was created with artificial intelligence by the Hanson Robotics.
The fact that a robot was granted an Saudi Arabian  citizen has brought about a huge backlash because women in this same country are highly restricted by the laws that governs them.

Social media users all over the world are lashing on the fact that a robot is able to achieve what a lot of Saudi Arabian women are not.

Saudi Arabian law requires a woman to always be accompanied by a male family member to public places however, Sophia doesn't go on stage with a companion of any sort, she doesn't cover her hair, wear the Abaya or hija, no scarf and yet Saudi Arabia is the first country in the world to grant a robot citizenship.

It is therefore obvious that after recently saying that they will begin to allow women obtain driver's license this country still has a long way to go as far as the right of women is concerned. According to ABC News, Human right Activists have labelled Saudi Arabia to be among the most oppressive country in the whole world.

4 comments so far

  1. Shame on the lawmakers for approving such.

    1. You can imagine how in a place where the rights of a woman is restricted, a robot is glorified

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The country still has a long way to go


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