15 May 2021
wearing makeup is a way of expressing your self as an individual not withstanding if you are male or female. however, in Nigeria, this is being frowned as and referred to as a gay act and people, most especially young men are at a receiving end of this discriminations. now, i know a lot of talented young male makeup artist on social media as well as content creator that majorly work with makeup artist. these help in promoting their business and attract more customers for more patronage. irrespective of who you are, everyone should be able to wear makeup and not be discriminated against.
In Nigeria, men in makeup face bulling and then compounded with the fact that the society encourage homophobic trolling which majorly leads to queer people being victimized and brutalized mot especially by the Nigerian police. if you remember vividly during the #ENDSARS protests in 2020 when Nigerians gathered to stop the extreme violence received from the special anti rubbery squad, many young men that experimented with makeup were always stopped and interrogated by the Nigerian policy and you can imagine what that would entail.
i honestly do hope for a Nigerian society where everyone can be who or what they want to be and not be prosecuted for it